How much time do you spend cleaning up (or covering up) what's behind you on video calls? Reclaim that time and energy with our new presenter controls, available right now in the latest version of mmhmm.
This update brings you forward so you look great in any environment. That means less time fiddling with your environment and more time focusing on your message, even if your space is less than perfect.
Pop out of the background
No matter where you are, mmhmm’s new presenter controls keep the focus on you. Show your space as-is, blur it out a little (or a lot), or hide it completely. Add an eye-catching tint or gradient to bring more color to your presentation and help you stand out even more.
Create a more immersive scene
Now you can display a text box, screen share or piece of media over your shoulder even without a virtual background. Yes, we’ve wanted that as much as you have. Everything is layered elegantly—you, your media, your selected tint, and your environment. So the focus stays where it belongs: on what you have to say.
Perfect your look
You already have the ability to frame yourself in a rectangle you can crop to just the right size, or bubble up in a friendly circle. Now you can get edgy in our new hexagon shape, too.
Other options like changing your size, fade, rotation, and effects are still easily accessible in the sidebar. And our new blur and color options apply inside any shape you choose.
With these new updates, you can fully immerse yourself in a scene or create as much separation as you need. It’s all about making sure you can stand out and get your point across in every meeting and recording, wherever you are. Try them out on your next video call or recording!