Video that works with you

Create and share powerful live or recorded video for work

Download for mac


For impressive presentations that keep you on screen. Connect to Zoom, Teams, and Meet with the desktop app.

Download for mac

Download for Windows

For easy recordings with up to 10 people, launch the web app.

mmhmm TV

Discover and watch videos for work. Build a library of knowledge that scales with your team.

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mmhmm Studio

Powerful editing for video creators. Make high-quality, low-stress videos—no fancy equipment, no learning curve. Edit slides and overdub mistakes after the recording is done.

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Be on screen with any presentation

Engage the audience by staying on screen with your slides.

Add a background

Choose from over 100 mmhmm rooms—or add your own.

Adjust your appearance

Be big or small, move around, or hide yourself on a full-screen image.

Join a video call

Connect mmhmm to Zoom, Meet, Teams, and other apps with mmhmm desktop's virtual camera.

Easy recordings

Record and share secure, lightweight links. Or, publish to your team’s mmhmm TV.

Invite multiple presenters

Be on screen with your slides and up to 10 people.


How does it work?

mmhmm is a presentation app that takes your webcam feed and layers it on top of presentation slides. You control the look and feel of the screen. When you give a presentation on a live video call, mmhmm shares the webcam and images to your videoconferencing app as a “virtual camera.” You can also use mmhmm to record a lightweight video which saves to the cloud so your audience can watch anytime.

How is mmhmm different from Zoom, Google Meet, or Teams?

How is mmhmm used at work?

Is it hard to learn?

Can I try it for free?

What’s the difference between the web app and the desktop app?

Why would you record in mmhmm instead of Zoom?